Health Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

When evaluating your overall health, you should determine whether or not you are experiencing certain symptoms, such as unexpected pain in the legs, a lack of cardiovascular endurance, tingling in certain parts of the body, varicose veins and a discoloration of the skin. At Minimally Invasive Guided Image Specialists (MIIGS), we treat numerous conditions that are associated with these symptoms, some of which include peripheral vascular disease, back pain, varicose veins, uterine fibroids and carotid disease. 


If a patient is experiencing tingling in any part of the body, the person’s brain may not be receiving ample blood flow. This sensation might be a sign of a stroke, and this medical emergency could cause a loss of vision, paralysis and decreased mobility. A reduction of blood flow is typically caused by plaque that has accumulated in the main arteries that are connected to the brain. Our physicians are able to identify fat and cholesterol in the blood vessels and perform minimally invasive procedures that can substantially reduce a buildup of plaque.

Varicose Veins

When a person is suffering from unexplained pain and periodic swelling in the legs, the individual’s veins may have abnormal blood flow. Consequently, varicose veins could become visible, and the skin may be discolored. Furthermore, the condition generally becomes more severe over time, and a healthy diet and ample exercise will not typically eliminate the symptoms.

Some doctors perform procedures that involve vein stripping; however, the physicians will have to make numerous incisions and provide anesthetic. Certain patients may also suffer from infections, additional bleeding or allergic reactions.

In contrast, our practice’s vein specialists can utilize a laser in order to eliminate the varicose veins. After the minimally invasive procedure, the other blood vessels will allow the excess blood to naturally flow from the legs. The procedure typically has a duration of 30 minutes to one hour, and our vein specialists have indicated that a patient may engage in light activities the day after the treatment.

Uterine Fibroids

These growths are benign tumors that affect the smooth muscle of the uterus, and the condition may cause constipation, pain in the pelvis, a swollen abdomen and pain in the legs. Once our physicians have performed a procedure that can eliminate the fibroids, the patient will generally remain in the hospital for one night. Furthermore, the individual can engage in most regular activities within seven to ten days.

Compression Fractures

These fractures occur when a spinal bone is damaged, and osteoporosis can substantially increase the risk of compression fractures. The condition may cause chronic pain because compression fractures can reduce the height of a spinal bone by 10 percent to 20 percent.

In order to treat a fracture, our physicians may perform a vertebroplasty, which allows doctors to inject bone cement into the vertebrae. This procedure can instantaneously eliminate the individual’s pain, and more than 90 percent of patients experience pain relief within two weeks of the treatment.

A person may also choose to undergo a kyphoplasty, and during this treatment, our doctors will place a small balloon in the vertebra. Once the balloon is inflated, it will be able to restore the original shape of the bone. Subsequently, bone cement will be positioned in the cavity that the balloon created.

Back Pain

MIIGS can perform nerve root blocks or inject steroids between the vertebral wall and the dura mater. Our physicians will utilize a fluoroscopy to ensure that the steroids are placed in the epidural space, which encompasses the spinal cord’s nerves. Alternatively, we may inject steroids into the facet joints, and this type of procedure helps most patients experience relief for six months.

The Symptoms of Peripheral Vascular Disease

According to several analyses, more than 202 million individuals have peripheral vascular disease, and in the United States, the condition may affect 12 percent to 25 percent of people who are over the age of 65. Patients with peripheral vascular disease typically experience pain when they are walking or running. The condition can also prevent wounds from rapidly healing and may cause sections of the affected limb to appear to be blue.

Getting Started

To learn more about the minimally invasive procedures the specialists at MIIGS perform, complete the contact form on our website or call 318.528.7560.